PONTOS Project Kick-Off Meeting, July 20-21, 2020
PONTOS Project Public Launch, July 22, 2020
Capacity Building Activities (GA 2)
Capacity Building for Young Scientists and Practitioners (GA 2.1)
- Training of Trainers (Deliverable D.T2.1.3)
- First set of Training Sessions on Earth Observation and Environmental Monitoring for Young Scientists and Practitioners (Deliverable D.T2.1.4)
- Second set of Training Sessions on Earth Observation and Environmental Monitoring for Young Scientists and Practitioners (Deliverable D.T2.1.5)
- Virtual (asynchronous) training (Deliverable D.T2.1.6)
Capacity Building for Public Administration, Civil Society Organizations and Private sector actors (GA 2.2)
- Brainstorming events (Deliverable D.T2.2.1)
- Local events for the familiarization with PONTOS outcomes (Deliverable D.T2.2.3)
Communication (GA C)
Public Events (A.C.2)
- Joint Open Workshops (Deliverable D.C.2.1)
- Local Open Workshops (Deliverable D.C.2.3)
- Final Conference (Deliverable D.C.2.5)
- PONTOS Hackathon (Deliverable D.C.2.7)